Diaries of a Madman Mlp Fimfiction Does He Become a Guy Again

Fuckin A', 5 minutes since it uploads and I'1000 already reading this.

are you attempting to torture your readers? cause if yous are, well done

It's good

4323478 Ah. Cheers for clarifying.

You know you are beingness actually mean by making these experience so short!:trollestia: and so in other words don't make information technology so good so it seems shorter (hehe this is joke don't take offence) Just really these chapter are and so expert. This is my favourite story on fimfic.:yay:

Nav, you dumbass...

Molesting Molestia in phase is a recipe for disaster.

Delightful. :twilightsmile: Can't await for the shit the hit the fan once more though.:pinkiehappy:

Lets come across if Nav likes anal.:pinkiecrazy: I know I wouldn't. :pinkiesick:
'Mazing this.


"What about lightning?"
"Stay away from lightning, though I don't know why you'd even ask. That… is not good for u.s.a.. At all."

Good ol' RPG tropes, I'one thousand sure. Dark Souls!

god fucking dammit no Nav being Gatsu, I guess.

Damn it are you trying to make me experience guilty? I can barely write 8k words in two months while y'all churn out almost 20k in less than half that!

gud chapter tho

...I desire this.

A vibrating buttplug? You can get them online.
Is that guilt going to make yous write more?
Nighttime Souls, actually. And who said Nav wasn't going to be Gatts? Reggie said he didn't know if the armor had any backdrop since he's magically resistant and can't tell anything nigh that.
They all think that at start.
It'due south the kind of disaster Nav wants.

You lot know, the solution for Nav being a daughter is very easy, he merely go back in time, when the stones were functional, alter back to male, and then return to the present, it'll take a footling fleck of planning, but for the near part, i'ts perfectly plausible; he returned millions of years before, a couples of months or even a year would be a slice of cake.

Kind of wondering if Reggie is going to crash the Gala or something.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep upwardly the good work. :twilightsmile:

4323496 He actually melted out of it.

In other news, holy crap baskets this is getting hilarious. Besides, is information technology seriously that hard to change a pony's gender or does it just non cross Nav'southward mind to ask? I kinda forget if alicorn amulet trixie managed a gender bandy...

4323747 No. And I'yard non certain you'll estimate exactly what at this rate.

I have this small shred of hope Lunas mental land is being influenced by discord.

This one felt relaxing, perverted beyond conventionalities and all the same innocent at the aforementioned time. Good task.:yay:

4323747 I knew it was from Dark Souls! :rainbowdetermined2:
When he said stay away from lightning I instantly thought of Gwyn. P

Did we really simply read through one-half a affiliate that was nothing but a slumber party?
:facehoof: Well you sell it actually well, nosotros tin only guess what that says about usa...

Loved this chapter, definitely got a Dark Souls feel from the part near lightning with dragons, come to think of information technology I remember reading your thing on pastebin nigh muling, and so cheers for that likewise, haha

Public foreplay, eh? Well, I guess we needed to step it up since the public assassination.


Twilight faked a gender-swap of Applejack to one-upward Alicorn Amulet Trixie.

Sweet chapter!

4323962 Information technology is, information technology'south kind of implied in the 1st chapter :twilightsmile:

4324382 really? Its been a vary long time, but thank you for the reminder. I'll have to do a reread, during the summertime when i don't take professors hanging over my caput. I'd rather not recollect a being who took it upon herself to sentinel over her subjects dreams rapes her lover for fun.

Stealing time from my DayZ... Quite the chuckle worthy chapter no less.

4324110 My point exactly. All of twi's stuff was faked in that 2nd role, simply trixie's spells were real and then did trixie do any gender angle or was it just twi? and of course once twi learns magic she can exercise some real gender bending

Y'all know, I like the mode this is going, but I accept another way to mess with Nav's head- introduce another human to the story. Fresh off earth, and pretty naive. Allow's see how he reacts to that.

Of course, if you want to completely disregard this suggestion and conduct on as yous were doing, that's fine likewise. Either way, keep information technology up!

>and then short
This chapter was longer than near stories on this bloody site.
Changing a pony's gender with real magic isn't that difficult. However, Nav isn't a pony and no i that knows real magic knows how his reproductive system works or how his torso is supposed to work. If y'all know beefcake, you can modify the gender. But if you lot don't know the anatomy, you're useless. Essentially, he's fucked. And no, Alicorn Amulet Trixie didn't manage a gender swap.
I had a pretty serious mental debate virtually whether or not to include the slumber party. Asked a few people and some figured I might likewise. I liked the end production, so I kept it.
I've already had a poll about that. The reply was overwhelmingly no.

4324566 Oh. :applecry: Too bad.

Does that cloak simply then happen to be a warders cloak?

No, warder cloaks are useful. Nav'southward is only annoying.

4324770 HA! Don't allow Lan hear that. I only started on the third volume. Read the other two in nearly a calendar month. Still can't put my finger on who Nav acts similar though. Only ane i can think of is Geofram Bornhald when he wondered why When he picks his fingernails with his knife people get scared


My point was that, every bit I call back it, Twilight won that particular exchange with her fake gender-swap because Trixie could "only" historic period or de-age ponies but couldn't really gender-swap them.

Celestia sent Luna.

I idea the lightning and dragons matter was from Journey Of Graves. Given he took out a legendary with one shot. That took two minutes to charge up.

A whole affiliate of nada unsafe happeneg, but the news that the Gala is in a few days? Im wondering only what in Equestria sort of warfare and destruction is going to happen there, given Cadences barrel plug and Celestia maybe going horngasm boom?

Yaay, an Spider spitwadding the nobles to the walls. :pinkiecrazy:

And, thats the last nosotros come across of old sour Crabapple Jelly? Aw, well, Nav did say he has certain limits to fifty-fifty his perversions. :trollestia:

Never heard of it.
Some of Nav is based off Mat, though information technology'll take a lilliputian while to notice. The books selection up as you keep until you get to around vii-nine, when they boring downwards. Then they pick up again.

4324444 I tin salvage you the re read, it'south just the office after discord makes the deal with celestia, he says:
"I drove a pony nearly mad from loneliness.
I pushed the winds to severely injure a griffin when she collided with the footing.
I forced some filthy monsters to begin a migration.
I whispered into the mind of a unicorn, driving him across the lands in search of monsters that didn't exist.
I drove a king mad.
I made a mugger become too far but step dorsum from the abyss when it was virtually also tardily.
I whispered jealous thoughts into the mind of a mare.
I drove narcissism so deeply into the mind of a pony that he would be broken if his torso was harmed.
I gave an ancient dragon nightmares.
I drove a snake mad from loneliness. "

I kind of assume he almost drove luna mad from loneliness

4325329 thank you for thar. Yea i encounter it now. Unfortunate. Lets hope she can be cured, equally well as nav. What will the ending bare for us?

This story is sily magical. Information technology does all the right thigs and in my opigion is the best story on fimfiction.

I merely hope that when information technology ends you go into a career writing. I volition buye very volume

So in essence, the only one who can alter his gender is Athena, since her cognition almost humans is probably omni.

I remember she said she can't, only I feel similar that'south a lie.... Specially with what yous just said.

Nav'due south body is fucked, remember? His anatomy is completely broken, and so it's impossible for Athena to plow him back. She doesn't know what his insides are similar. No one knows what his insides are similar.

Oh shit, thats right.... oh wait, Athena is the god of knowledge, and with some study she could probably do it anyway. She has books that are probably memorized everywhere about every type of organ; plant or other, and has been using true magic for equally long as Discord i'grand certain. I still think Athena can practice it, she just wants to have reward of Nav's body first. I mean, fuck, she can probably practice all the x-rays and stuff that humans can do with true magic alone.

She probably even has all the medical records of Nav written downwardly past the scientists at Google on hand too. Oh, and they would know since they studied him so closely. I mean, she did have Luna'southward diary if I remember correctly, as well as the unwritten history of Equestria.

She probably could given enough time and study, but she doesn't care enough to. She has absolutely no motivation to assistance him. And Nav doesn't take whatever organs, remember? His internal body is so fucked up that it'south not even homo anymore. She would have to figure out how to change his gender with the muck inside his body, which would be harder than just changing testes to ovaries.

That history was at some point written down, just it fell out of favor eventually and Celestia had information technology all redone. Luna's diary was written down. About of Nav's internal stuff probably wasn't actually written down anywhere, merely put onto a reckoner. Even if she did take it somewhere, she'd have to figure out where. She lives in an unabridged earth populated by books. Finding it would be like finding the unholy spawn between Carmen Sandiago and Waldo.


Source: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/45860/117/diaries-of-a-madman/chapter-one-hundred-and-fifteenwelcome-home

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